
<h1>اتاق بازرگانی، صنایع، معادن و کشاورزی اردبیل<h1>
<h1>اتاق بازرگانی اردبیل<h1>
<h2>اتاق بازرگانی، صنایع، معادن و کشاورزی اردبیل<h2>
<h2>اتاق بازرگانی، صنایع، معادن و کشاورزی اردبیل<h2>
<h2>اتاق بازرگانی اردبیل<h2>
<h2>اتاق بازرگانی اردبیل<h2>


Salı, 17 Ekim 2017
kelimeleri İran halkının hiçbir

İstihdamın yanında istihdamın ihtiyacı
İstihdamın yanında istihdamın korunması ihtiyacı Bakanlar Kurulu toplantısında ilk başkan yardımcısı bugün şunu vurguladı: "Yeni istihdam olanaklarının yaratılmasını göz önüne...

Salı, 17 Ekim 2017
kelimeleri İran halkının hiçbir

İstihdamın yanında istihdamın korunması ihtiyacı (4)
İstihdamın yanında istihdamın korunması ihtiyacı Bakanlar Kurulu toplantısında ilk başkan yardımcısı bugün şunu vurguladı: "Yeni istihdam olanaklarının yaratılmasını göz önüne...

Salı, 17 Ekim 2017
İlk Başkan Yardımcısı

İstihdamın yanında istihdamın korunması ihtiyacı
 Bakanlar Kurulu toplantısında ilk başkan yardımcısı bugün şunu vurguladı: "Yeni istihdam olanaklarının yaratılmasını göz önüne alarak, işi istikrara kavuşturmak ve ülkenin...

Özel durum


Ardebil Ticaret Odası, Sanayi, Maden ve Ziraat Odası'nın sanal radyosu




Ülke gazeteleri

Exiting the impasse depends on the lack of policy interference in the economy


Politics and economics in the international arena have a complex and reciprocal relationship, so that sometimes it can not be ascertained whether this relationship is politically or economically. But this has a particular difference in a country like Iran. The Iranian economy is not yet truly connected to the world markets, and many markets are monopolized and domestic to provide their products and services.

Constraining laws and regulations have also led to closed money markets and capital markets within the geographical boundaries of the country. The Isle of Man holds the Iranian economy together with some of the benefits that it has made in support of domestic products in recent years, has greatly damaged the country's economy. The best example of the economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council against the country was provided by Iran's low monetary and trade relations with other countries in the world. Therefore, for the causality of the relationship between economics and politics in Iran based on the results of various studies, in most cases it has been politically oriented towards the economy. But in such circumstances, "politics" can provide a path to improve processes and develop "economics"?

One of the highest shadows of politics on the Iranian economy is its investment. All economists portray capital as the driving force behind economic growth and economic development, and for direct foreign investment, benefits such as technology, knowledge, ability to manage, increase employment, improve balance of payments, and increase competition. It should be noted that various factors affect the decision of multinational corporations for foreign investment. Before any investment, these companies first examine the political structure of the host country. The political structure of a country determines how it treats foreign investors. One of the biggest obstacles to investing in Iran from the point of view of foreign and even domestic companies is the high political risk. This means that the overall economic environment of the country has proven over the past decades that there is no guarantee that long-term sustainability of the country's economic climate will last. That is, it is possible that, for example, with the change of government, business policies will eventually undergo unpredictable and unpredictable changes, or, with some fierce diplomatic speeches, collapse export markets for Iranian products. In such a situation, domestic and foreign investors face unplanned and uncontrollable restrictions that are not subject to change. The change in the rate of bank interest rates, severe periodic inflation, high changes in tariff policies, and so on in recent years has increased the risk of political investors being discouraged from participating in the country's economy. Recovery of economic confidence will also be a very long process, and it is very difficult to restore this waste naturally. For example, in order to eliminate or mitigate the effects of this type of risk, it is possible to insure foreign investors of political risks in order to accelerate the process of attracting investment and returning mutual trust through new laws that are consistent with the laws of other countries.

Over the past few decades, politics has always benefited from the economy for its own interests, and has never sought to pave the way for it. In order to unravel the economic downturn, a set of sovereign powers should be taken as a source of power and policy in the country. The parliament, in terms of the rules, the government in the area of ​​planning, implementation and oversight, and ultimately, the judiciary in the field of justice should provide a way to improve the economic situation in the country. Perhaps China's route could be described as the best example of a policy effort in the field of economy. A country with a billionth population and its strict ideology, ultimately with the reforms that it made in the 1970s, could reduce the political risk of investment in its country without endangering economic turmoil, and ultimately slow down the course of economic development at an incredible pace. Combining the Chinese economy with the global market is so sweeping and exciting that it has forced many countries to revise their policies to continue economic cooperation with this emerging economic giant.

In sum, it must be accepted that real economic reforms and the withdrawal of governance institutions from economic and business activities are a route that is hard to handle. But, according to historical and global experiences, in order to meet the conditions for development, there must have been a golden balance between economics and politics, which would be a golden balance for Iran by shrinking the heavy shadow of politics on the economy.

Bizimle iletişime geçin

Erdebil Ticaret Odasının adresi: Erdebil Ticaret Odası binası, Be`set idari şehirciğinin başlangıcı

Post No: 56135-578

Tel: 04533742001

Faks: 04533742002

E.mai: info[at]accima.ir

İletişim Formu


Tüm hakları Ardabil Ticaret Odası, Sanayi, Maden ve Ziraat'a aittir.

Tasarım ve Geliştirme: Mehrargham Rayaneh Co.