He added: more than 30 production units in the province because of these audit, which lack legal permission, faced problems and they were sentenced to pay some present of the amount that they paid for purchasing machines for production.
Member of board of managers of Iran chamber of commerce emphasized: these amounts are sometimes very much and some of these production units cannot pay them, so it’s necessary to stop these audits and for the previous audits the law must be applied.
Mr. Pirmoazzen said: the enforcement of social security organization should be stopped and in order to support the production units there should be an end to the audits of the organization.
Governor General of Ardebil: the problems of production units with social security organization will be solved. He said: the problems which occurred with social security from the last year will be discussed and solved in another work group.
Mr. Majid Khodabakhsh asserted: on the past times the experts of social security organization inspected the factories and sentenced some of them to pay some percent of the amount they paid to buy the machines for production. He continued although this circulation has been omitted but a number of producers are forced to pay them and they faced problem to pay them. He added the government tries to help the producers and omit the barriers of production.
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