possibilities and equipment’s should be modern on this realm because by producing posturized products we cannot capture the domestic and foreign markets with UHD products. The actives of good industry can do this change for producing long lasting products.
Mr. Pirmoazzen said: on the meeting which was held on Tehran on presence of ministers Ardebil got the 2nd place on holding the meetings of dialogue between private sector and the government. Member of board of managers of Iran chamber of commerce said: it is necessary to expand non – oil export and increase trade balance of the country and also Ardebil province.
He said: by omitting the barriers of export, we can pay more attention to non – oil export. He asserted: in all around the world fairs are not a place to sell products directly and gain income but it is a place to offer the capabilities and show the products of country and province. He continued: with the effort of governor general of Ardebil we are ready to undertake the management of Ardebil international fair ground as the private sector and on a new place establish an exhibition to offer the products of province.
Referring to starting of potato factory he said: now it is possible to change the potato of Ardebil province to processed products which have higher value. He continued the end price of potato in Ardebil province is higher than the price in other countries of the world and also the quality of potatoes in the province comparing to other provinces is not very high and we expect the authorities to think a device about it.
Mr. Hussein Vosuqi Irani the general secretary of ACCIMA said: although different authorities are responsible to the export of province but we have not good position on export, so that we had 26 percent decrease on the value of export of province.
He continued: by increase of suitcase export till 302 percent, it is necessary to think about it that why our business men want to export by the last device and informal and bulk.
Mr. Vosuqi also said: beside export our import also on the recent years decreased. He said: most of imports were from Turkey and Germany but most of our exports go to Azerbaijan and Iraq. Mr. Vosuqi said: low value rating on exporting products, increasing the prices of products, entrance of dealers on exporting the high end price, increase of transportation costs, fixing the price of foreign exchange contrary to high rate of inflation from previous years, not existence of export motivators, weakness of brand making on Iranian goods, especially on export, not taking part on district agreements are some of reasons of decreasing of export.
Mr. Vosuqi also referred to solo product and solo market of province as the shortage of province export. So that 70 percent of our businessmen work with Azerbaijan, this is while this country’s economy is weak and their money value decreased.
He continued we have not foreign investment in the province and on the last years even one-dollar foreign investment we did not have. So by verifying and producing variety of products and finding new markets we can help the economy of province.
Ardebil province
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